Preventing Sexual Violence


Rape is a serious crime involving nonconsensual sexual intercourse that is frequently accompanied by force or manipulation. It is a sort of sexual violence that causes severe bodily and emotional trauma to the victim. While the legal definition of rape varies by jurisdiction, the basic element stays consistent. To address this issue, the government enacted the Anti-Rape Law of 1997 (RA).

According to the law, anyone can become a victim of rape, regardless of whether they are a prostitute, are not virgins, or have an active sexual life. RA 8353 increased the severity of the punishment for offenders and broadened the definition of adultery to include previously undefined behaviors. Despite these advancements, problems persisted, such as difficulties obtaining proof, societal biases that impacted victims' trustworthiness, and a general lack of comprehensive support systems for survivors. Despite the law's goal of addressing the systemic issues related to rape, its efficacy has been a topic of ongoing discussion.

RA 10364, officially known as the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2013, acknowledges the fundamental link between human trafficking and violence against women. In addition to toughening punishments for trafficking violations, it broadens the definition of trafficking to encompass behaviors such as forced labor, sexual exploitation, and financial bondage. The Act focuses on victim protection, rehabilitation, and international cooperation as strategies to combat the transnational character of this crime and its tragic impact on women and children.



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  9. thank you for sharing your knowledge about this topic!!!

  10. Thank you for sharing this information about the two laws against rape and human trafficking. It is very informative:>


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